We are pleased to be appointed as a Pre-approved@SMEs Go Digital Vendor

Get Funding for Your Digitisation

Greater support for more sector-specific solutions and a wider range of pre-scoped solutions for businesses beyond IT solutions and equipment.

Now you get up to 50% Funding ( starts from 1st April 2023 ) when you purchase AutoCount Accounting V2.0.

Eligibility SMEs can apply for PSG if they meet the following criteria:
Registered and operating in Singapore.
Purchase / lease / subscription of the IT solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore.
Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding (for selected solutions only).
Supplementary Budget
Maximum support level will be raised 50% from 1 April 2023.
Virtual meeting and telephony tools.
Expanded scope of solutions to help enterprises implement COVID-19 business continuity measures:
Queue management systems.
Online collaboration tools.
Temperature screening solutions.
What do I need to do to get the grant ?

Apply Here are the steps you can take when applying for PSG:


Visit Tech Depot on SME Portal to access the list of supportable solutions and identify relevant solutions that best suit your business needs.

Secound STEP

For IT solutions: get a quotation from the pre-approved vendor.
For equipment: source for the equipment and get a quotation from the vendor.

Third STEP

Submit an application on the Business Grant Portal (BGP). You will need to register for a CorpPass account to transact on the portal.

Contact Us
PSG Grant up to 50% Funding.

T&C Applies

Learn More